Time to replace your liner?

Over time you may notice that your liner isn’t looking as shiny and new as it once did. It is standard that after approximately 12 years your liner might need to be replaced. Easton Pool & Spa has dedicated an entire team to focus on liner replacements. Our liner crews are meticulous with their process and will walk you through everything you need to do, from start to finish. If you think your liner needs to be replaced, call our office at 508-238-9698.

Have you already sent in your deposit for a new liner? If you have and you are still trying to decide which liner is best for you, follow the link to our new Visualizer and see all your options in a backyard similar to yours!!!!  View Liner Options Now!

Most people aren’t home to see the entire process of removing their old liner and installing the new one. Please take a look a this one minute time lapse of a new liner being installed at a home in Medway. The original pool was built by Easton Pool & Spa in 2002.