Pool Stores

Three locations offer more convenience!

We are here for you for all of your pool and pool related needs. Our three pool stores located in South Easton, Walpole and Pocasset are staffed by knowledgeable pool professionals, ready to provide you with a wide selection of quality retail products; everything from pool and spa chemicals, to fun flotation devices.

Our South Easton location houses two display pools so you can actually see the quality of the pools we build up close and personal!
811 Washington Street, S. Easton, MA 02375 
(508) 238-5068
For Directions, click here.
Our Walpole location has moved and our new space provides ample parking and easy access! 
925 East Street, Walpole, MA 02081
(508) 668-6660
For Directions, click here.
Our Pocasset location, new to our enterprise in 2018, will meet the demand of our Cape Cod and Islands communities!
724 MacArthur Boulevard, Pocasset, Ma 02559
(508) 566-8207
For Directions, click here.

BioGuard Water Care Products

Easton Pool & Spa is proud to be a platinum dealer of BioGuard Pool products. When deciding which brand to carry to best suit your needs for maintaining your swimming pool and spa, there is no comparison to the BioGuard offering.  That is why we have been their partner for over 35 years!

Click here to learn more about the products BioGuard offers and as always, stop in to any of our store locations to answer any questions you might have.

Our Robots do your dirty work so you don’t have to!

Robotic cleaners are powered via a low-voltage cord that powers a scrubbing sweeping action that directs debris to a self-contained debris canister. This greatly reduces the amount of debris being put through the skimmer/filter system.

We have 4 Robotic models on display (S50, M400, M500 S300i)

  • Click to see comparisons of all 4 models.
  • Come in to see our store display and ASK ABOUT OUR “Take a Robot Home”DEMO PROGRAM
    Book an appointment to take a Dolphin Robot home for a swim in your pool for a day.


Lock in a great deal on a safety cover!

While better safety is the key reason for a safety cover, greatly enhanced backyard appearance runs a close second. With the safety cover stretched taught across the pool, the leaves blow off and there are no more ducks landing in early spring thinking it is the marshlands. The winter safety cover is strong enough to support a child or large dog if they venture onto the pool cover. Plan it now while you are thinking of it! Call our office to learn more 508-238-9698.


Every job is easy when you have the right tools!

Easton Pool & Spa has everything you need to keep your pool in tip top shape!

  • Safety hooks
  • Leaf traps
  • Poles & pole accessories
  • Skimmers & leaf rakes
  • Skimmer replacement baskets
  • Thermometers
  • Vacuum heads … and much more!

Games!…Floats!….Fun! … and More!

  • Relaxation mats & chairs
  • Exercise floats to add interest to your daily routine
  • Memories– Kids of all ages love diving games and toys to create lots of these
  • Things–Water goggles, towels and pretty much anything else for more pool fun.

Pool Equipment & Parts


We stock replacement equipment for your pool!  Whether to fix a problem or to upgrade to new energy-efficient technology, chances are we have the equipment or part – from variable speed pumps to o-rings, skimmer baskets or filters for your pool or hot tub. Let us know what you need.

Replace your old pump & save!


A variable speed pump doesn’t run at one speed all the time like old pool pumps.  It can be programmed to run not only just at the times you need it, but also adjusts the speeds required.   Not only will this dramatically reduce your power consumption by up to 90% but it will also dramatically reduce the noise from your pump by up to 70%. In addition, a variable speed pump will put less strain on your other pool equipment.  This pump easily retrofits most other pumps. Stop in and ask us about one today.

Take the chill off with a new heater or heat pump

How do I know what type of heater I should put on my pool? We get this question a lot.  The first question to ask is “How do you want to use your pool?”  If you are looking to extend your season and open early and close late in the year when the nights are cold, your best option will be a Gas or Propane heater.  Gas or Propane heaters also allow for the most spontaneous heat in terms of speed of heating.   Electric Heat pumps are a fantastic option for the New England summer season.  These heaters are a great “set it and forget it” option!  Stop in to one of our stores to discuss your options, or call our Service team at 508-238-9698 if you want one of our qualified Service Techs to work with your plumber or electrician on the installation. 

We look forward to seeing you soon and rest assured that owning a pool doesn’t require a lot of work. There are a few simple steps to know, and we’ll gladly walk you through them. And remember that you’re never alone. Our retail people are always there to show you how just how easy having your own pool can be.

Pool Store Hours

February Hours


Closed for the season!


Closed for the season!


Under Renovations

For help on Cape Cod: Call our Easton Retail store at 508-238-5068